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Tuesday, January 20, 2004

As a postmodernist, I was Judith Butler. But as a dead poet . . .

I really wanted to be Anne Sexton or Dorothy Parker. Rimbaud's OK, though. Those Quizilla people can be pretty funny. Thanks to lovely Boynton for the link.

You are Arthur Rimbaud - a vital, canon-changing poet with a flare for tantrums.  You tend to write in a fever, and have a liking for the disordered mind.

You are Arthur Rimbaud -- a vital, canon-changing
poet with a flare for tantrums. You tend to
write in a fever, and have a liking for the
disordered mind. Don't expect people to
understand you, for you are ahead of your time.

Which Dead Poet Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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